Monday, July 13, 2009

My Eyes! My Eyes!

So I seem to have a recurring problem with my eyes. They keep getting all irritated and red. it looks pretty bad, but they really don't hurt. They just look really bad, like I am stoned all the time. Well it is not all the time. I think I need to cool it on my contacts for more than a week. But if you know me, you know that is no going to happen.

I hate wearing glasses. I can't see shit, and it is a pain in the ass to wear them why I am wearing a helmet. But as I type this i am wearing them. I happen to go to the Lav at work and saw my eyes. They are not to bad, so I opted to take out my two eyes and put my four on.

The only reasonable way around this! Corrective Surgery! Yes, have maned up and I am ready. And I a really excited about getting it done. Now the tedious part. Getting it done. Seeing as I have no personal days pr vacation days, I kind of get shafted. I may haven't until November.

Now I have been working for this company for 3 years now. But I have only been full time for less than a year. But I have been on the payroll sense last July (I was laid off for a while, then they brought me back). But they don't seem to care that I have paid my dues. I have to wait until November to get the time I need so I can take a day or two off of work.

But I am going to see what I can do before that. I even hear a rumor that they may pay part of it. I mean it does work out in their favor. Other wise they will presumable have to pay for an eye exam, contacts and new lenses every year, and new frames every 2 years. that works out to be a few hundred every year.

Now if we do some math, in 3 years that is roughly what it would cost to get the Lasik done. If I work here (They don't shit can me again) for 4 more years, they already spent more money on corrective lenses than the corrective surgery would have cost.

So what do you think? I have been chatting with my cousins girlfriend who recently went under the proverbial knife. She digs it. And now I do to.

I look forward to doing a little Review Monday on Lasik Surgery at North East Eye.

It will be nice to be able to ride The Meepers with fresh vision. Cruising along at a top speed of 43 mph and being able to see with out the aid pf corrective lenses.

Nice to dream. So I will have to delve into the paperwork I received from work to see if I am partially covered or not, then go to the seminar and hopefully at least get the eye exams covered under my insurance.

Sorry for the short blogs lately, my time has been very taxed. What can I say, I'm a popular guy.

That is all, carry on.

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