Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This made me cringe! I actually saw it a few days ago, but thought about it again today.

Very disturbing how people just don't pay attention. There was another video of an old man very slowly, like 15 mph, crossing three lanes of traffic. He cut off a man on a motorcycle. The cyclist hit manages to crawl to the side of the road.

These remind me of a situation that happened to me a few weeks ago. Luckily neither me or The Meepers were injured. He was at worse risk than myself.

We were stopped at a red light on a steep hill on our way to visit Amy at work. Now, I always give a large birth on steep hills. The Egg is a standard, and I roll when I am getting going. So I am considerate and make sure there is plenty of room. This is what saved us.

There was an old man in the car in front of me. I guess being 97 (this man looked like he actually died years ago) he forgets or doesn't have the dexterity to use a brake peddle. This is a very good PSA for old people to stop driving. I think you can see where this is going. He started to roll back.

Well the horn on The Meepers isn't exactly loud, but that combined with me screaming, which is very, very loud, he should have heard me. He also should have noticed that HIS CAR WAS MOVING BACKWARDS AT A RED LIGHT! So I begin to move backwards. But the huge truck behind me didn't have the hill etiquette that I posses. So he was right on my ass.

Things were not looking good for The Meepers and myself at that moment in time. But Heaven was looking down on us, that or the Quaker Steak and Lube next to us. The old man stopped, very short from turning us int a pancake of blood and steal. Though I think The Meepers would have sacrifice himself for me to get out of the way, if it came to that of course. But I was not ready to leave a Meepers behind!

Me being the polite, upstanding gentleman that I am. I scream a little more, then rode up next to his car. Knock (slam) on his window, until the very confused, barley able to move hand, rolls down the window (not power windows). I then proceed to yell in his face until the light turned green, said one final "F You" to him and sped away at a whopping 15 mph. This was a very steep hill.

So if you see this man, you have my permission to punch him in the dick.
OK now that that is out of the way, you can now listen to my blog! Thanks to the fellers over at Odiogo, you can click a button and listen to a computer voice read the words that I type! I have yet to listen to it read my blog to me, as I have just installed it now, but I heard it read another blog. It is pretty funny. let's see if it will last here.

That is all, carry on.

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