Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Soon to be a take 3!

(It is in wide screen, so click on the video to see it properly at You Tube)

I made it a tad longer. Though my wheels seem to spin rather slow now. Oh well. I'll fix it tomorrow.

The weather is much nicer today. No rain.
So a nice scooter ride on The Meepers has/will be had.

In other news, someone in China may have sent me a free camera! That or it is the tripod I ordered 2 weeks ago. I haven't decided yet. I am thinking free camera would be nice, but I do want that Gorilla Tripod. Hmmm, choices, choices.

Moving on.

I stepped in dog poo yesterday. I am not happy about that. I don't like to step in poo of any kind.
It is still on my favorite work shoes.

I cleaned them the best I could, but I could still not get it all off. I am mad about this.

Why can't people clean up after their dogs. And why do they let the shit right in front of the door to my building. I clean up after my dog (when I puppy shit him)
All you need to do it stick one of those HUNDREDS of plastic bags you get from the grocery store in you back pocket. I carry two. One to pick and tie, then a second to put the first into. I don't like the smell.

As you can see from above, my dog does like "to smell". He is sniffing the floor for no reason at all. Why, because he is a dog and they do those types of things. Heyna or no?

What you don't understand what I just said? Sorry you will never know. You need to be from The NEPA to fully understand it. For a quick understanding try Urban Dictionary. Someone gives you a basic idea

That is all, carry on.

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