Friday, September 11, 2009

They are After Me!

So my new conspiracy theory is, terrorist attack. Now bear with me for a minute here.

Todays date is September 11, 9-11, "Patriot Day." And I am now back in doors, confined to "A" Bay. If you failed to read the mobil blog that was posted prior to this blog, it states this : Work may or may not be on fire. Stay tuned.

Well the fire alarm began to blaze, and lights were a-flashing. Then we all had to go outside. Lucky for us, the several hundred of us, the rain subsided to a slow drizzle. More annoying then anything, but it is chilly outside and most people are still only wearing T-shirts. And being casual friday, there are a lot of T-Shirts being sported.

So here we are, several hundred of us standing outside, waiting for some news. Then we hear "They said it was real. There were a few sparks in R & D." So ok, we stand there and wait. Several minutes went by, then we hear some sirens. There were 10 or more of these minutes that past. Now, there is a fire station less than 2 blocks away. So all the fire trucks and a cop or two show up. While we are at our "Rally Point" waiting for word. Then we get it. "You can all go back inside to get warm, but do not leave "A" Bay."

Now I am thinking, if there is possible danger in the building, why can we go back in? Now I was glad to hear this because my $330 R.E. Load bag was still in here, along with the drops I need for my eye ball bumps.
And, my office is in "A" Bay. This is why I am able to type this right now. And as I type the halls are full of people talking, because as I said, I am in "A" Bay and we are all confined to "A" Bay.

So here is my conspiracy theory. I work for a company who, if you do not know where I work I am not going to tell you but I will give you enough information to use the Google Machine to figure it out if you care enough to do so (run on on purpose), has a slogan "The World Leader in Mobility Devices." Because we are the "World Leader," one of "The Best Places to Work in PA and it is 9-11 I believe we were the victims of a terrorist attack! They are trying to get us!

But you can't keep the man down! At least not this man. After all I just cut off two years worth of hair and I now look like a full on grown up. So I am a man you can not keep down. Mostly because I need to stand up and crack/stretch my back. If I don't it hurts a lot.

So there it is. I put it out there. I am on to you terrorist! don't mess with my short hair. The hair on my head, sick-o.

Ok on to the work. Amy and I are off to vacation Sunday, so I need to get some jobs done before I go.

That is all, carry on.

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