Friday, October 16, 2009


It seems winter finally stuck out its dreary head. This was the image I saw as I walked out to The Egg this morning.

Not much, I know. But there are two reasons for that. Reason one: Amy and I live on a hill built by the Devil to mess with mankind, so a lot of the snow slid off. It was drizzling this morning so that also helped the snow slide/melt off. Reason two: I have a white car and snow, no peed on by dogs and people, is white. So that means there is more snow than it really looks like. Look at the black rails on the roof, you can see it there.

All in all this snow would not even be on my radar had it not been the first collection of snow I have seen for the season. I didn't have to use a scraper, I just turned on my wipers, front and back, and it was all gone.

Did I tell you? I cleaned my office yesterday! It was amazing! I threw out a lot of crap and organized things. Now I don't know where anything is. I can't even find a pen. Well that is not true, I found them now. The are where they belong, in my desk organizer, not where they were, all over my desk (run on? Yes.).

In addition to cleaning my desk, I was working on some animations for my logo. Yes I went a head and branded it ECR Productions. Why? Because I can. So now it stands, I am a production company. For me to make my own You Tube Videos. I also think I am going to make an updated DVD with my three latest videos and my animations on it. If you want a copy let me know, I'll make you one.

Well I am going to put together the DVD after I finish making my current animation. I am not happy with my camera angles yet. But I think I may have gotten it this time. I'll let you know in like 2 minutes after it finishes rendering. I made one for Bryan Anderson yesterday, but I am not sure if I am going to show it to anyone. It is a little dark, and I don't want to be the one who makes his logos from now on. I like doing it and all, but I would rather save the cool stuff for me! I'm selfish.

Ding! Render done. Be right back. Nope didn't like it, starting the render again. Give me a few minutes. Oh ya check this out.

Yup I did it again. I posted my video yet again. Oh well, it's kind of my thing.

Well in addition to the snow, The Meepers is not safely packed away for the winter yet. He is still sitting in my apartment building. I will have to get him over to the garage this week. I also need to pick up some Sta-Bil. That is gas stabilizer if you do not know. So this week rain/shine/sleet or snow......wait.....that is the USPS. Any way, I need to get The Meepers a few miles across town to my parents to winterize him. Hopefully we can film one or two more days though. I want to make another video soon.

Still wasn't happy. I think I may have gotten it this time. One angle was messin' with me, but I think I have it fixed to where I will like it! Let you know in a few. I think it is OK, It keeps jumping. Hmmm, one way to find out for sure! Quick Time video with sound!

Oh and Outrunning Winter is now on Vimeo!

Outrunning Winter from Jeffrey Grant on Vimeo.

OK, Premiere is acting up. I have to go fix it.

That is all, carry on.

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