Friday, October 23, 2009

The Office!

Look it is Micheal, Dwight and Andy!

PARKOUR! OK, OK here is The Office clip.

I changed the YouTube clip to the one from NBC. Sorry if the commercial plays first. I figured NBC would eventually kill the YouTube clip, so I went right to the source. And I think the commercial is only like 10 seconds long or so.

Hardcore Parkour! You have got to love Andy. Anger management and all. Pretty good character, and he can play a mean banjo. Though we left The Bog right before he played. It was to crazy in there. After Kevin gave me a beer, I drank it and bailed.

OK, now that we took care of that where do we go? Well I know where I am going later, but not right now. So lets talk about later. Here is a picture (don't worry it all relates).

Yes The Office maze! We will be entering this here maze later on tonight. I am not sure if we will be going into Jim or Dwight. We will most likely not go into the "Scary" maze, whom ever that will be. The "Scary" maze is basically high school kids employed by the farm to jump out and scare you. Not very frightening, more annoying, so we go to the other maze. And we are not going to have a repeat of last year.

Last year it rained and snowed all day. So the maze was wet and muddy (it is suppose to rain today, but sitting in a windowless office I don't know how that is working out. I guess I'll pee soon and find out.) and the Enter/Exit signs were pretty much ruined. See they opted to make cheap signs by jsut printing them out from a color deskjet printer and stapling them to a wood pole saying either "Enter" or "Exit."

This would be all fine and dandy if we were not living in the North East. I know this is s very temperate climate, oh wait.... it isn't. So the signs got ruined by the rain and snow. The paper flopped over a bit and the color ran. Combine that with it was dark and at night, we couldn't read them.

So we went in the exit of the maze. I will say we did go into the correct maze, because they enter from two different sides of the ticket booth. This was last years maze:

We went into Obama. There are clues along the way to point you into the right direction. They were about Obama's life and his election platform. Good thing we had Morgan, because he got them all right. Bad thing we went into the exit because the clues kept pointing us to the way we had just come from. So yes they were correct, but we were confused.

So on we went without the clues. Eventually finding our way out of the maze about an hour later. When we finally found this mysterious exit I happened to notice a sign. Remember those signs I was talking about earlier? Ya one of them. Well I could make out part of the word "Enter." We had just exited from this way. Hmmmm.

So we went through the maze backwards. Made it harder for sure, confused the hell out of us for sure, but we made it out alive and didn't freeze to death. After I told the rest of the group what happen, the clues made a whole lot more sense to us.

In case you didn't pick up on it, did you figure out how this all relates? I saw a Parkour video this morning and it reminded me of The Office episode, then I remembered that tonight we were going to the corn maze and it was an Office theme this year. And BAM! It all comes together.

And now I will leave you with this. It is totally unrelated, but so damn funny.

That is all, carry on.

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