Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday Morning

Well it is 7:36 a.m. This is a first for me. Blogging this early in the morning that is. I figured, why not play some catch up while I am sitting here for 25 more minutes waiting to collect a paycheck for the next month and a half.

So I have my resume out there. To a lot of places and that number is goign to grow again today. I know you are all (especially Amy) are sick of hearing about this, but I am going to talk about a different side of this for a minute here. More about my "inner turmoil."

By that I mean how I am feeling on the inside. OK, I'll say it. Lets talk about our feelings. Mine are a great mix right now. Scared, excited, nervous, unsure, not really happy about being laid off, but I am happy I have Amy.

I keep going back and forth in my head about different things. Like should I compromise and find a $10 an hour job, just so I have a job. Should I hold out and find something that is in my field. Should I try a new carrier path.

Though I am scared I realize this is very early on in the job search, so by no means am I going to compromise.....just yet. Hell I only got the news a week ago! And I am still being working for a few more weeks, and I get 2 week severance pay. So I have income and benefits until the end ofthe year.

If something bad happens to me, I'll hit up the justice of the peace, get benefits under Amy's work becaue that will be a "qualifying event," then I am golden like Pony Boy Curtis.
Awww, that tough, tough hair.

Then again, I am Italian, I can always join the mob. They are hiring right? I guess I'll have to take a drive over to the Bada Bing and fill out an application. I am also Irish so I could always look into the IRA as well.

Side bar: IRA and Italian Americans please do not hunt me down and kill me. If you see fit I will turn in both my Italian and Irish membership cards.

I am also German, so I can always go play in the band Rammstein. There always seems to be a niche for hardcore German techno.

And if all else fail, I can join the circus. I mean I am an asshat, that has to be a qualifying skill to be a clown. I fall down a lot, and if you get me riled up I say some funny things.

Well my friends and followers, that magical hour is almost upon us. Ya that time I go to work and search the internets for a new job. Wish me luck, and remember, I am for hire! I do kids parties.

That is all, carry on.

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