Monday, August 17, 2009

It's Monday!

Where did the weekend go? I know Amy and I went on an adventure to Claws and Paws, but where did the rest go? It is slowly coming back to me.

Saturday we went to the Paws full of Claws. And I will say, it was GREAT! I had a blast! Amy was still sick, but she still had a great time as well. We spent about 2 hours there, hanging out and talking to the animals. Some of them look pretty sad, so they need some cheering up.

What is that you say? Claws and Paws is for kids. It is not I tell you. There were plenty of Old's and Mids alike. Without tiny's. It is fun for all ages! Late 20's included. Let me introduce you to some of the friends we made.These were the first two friends we made. I call them monkeys. The were huddled up in the corner of their home, cleaning each other. This was at about 10:30 a.m. Late that day they were on the other side of their home, hanging out doing other things. Not sex you potty mind.

After we got a little deeper into the main loop we ran into this cute little guy. We happen to arrive while a girl was cleaning and feeding him. She went round putting chunks of meat all over the cage so her could run around and eat them. When the girl went to let him out of his box, all we saw was a little paw come flying out. It was pretty funny. Next thing we know, this little guy was running all over the place hunting down food. This photo was after he ate the piece that was there, but he still smelled it and was looking for more.
And then we encountered this guy. I am not really sure what kind of creature that is, but it kept touching itself. It was pretty creepy.....

Moving on.
Amy and I made friends with this cute little baby goat. He like the food and he like to scratch his head on that fence. We tried to hang out with him more, but this guy wouldn't leave us alone.
He is a bully. He was chasing us around and eating my shirt. And as far as I know, brown shirts do not taste that good. But he didn't seam to care. Bullies never do. Here he is chasing me for my food. The dear wanted nothing to do with me.

Once we escaped the clutched of the evil bully, we found some guys that are normally bully's but seem meek and scared.

They look kind of cute when they are de-scented and cowering in their shelter. I asked if they know the skunk that lives on Adam's Ave, but they declined to answer me.

I saved the best for last. Now, if you have a weak gag reflex you may want to avert your eyes. Also this was only a about half mass.
That is the weiner of a donkey. It got much much bigger when he walked away from us. I told him to button it up, and he politely did.

My favorite part of the day came toward the end. We saw the Gibbons. they are some crazy little, OK not so little, guys. One was pretty lazy, just sitting around, but the other was out of his mind! He was eating what looked to be a piece of cardboard, but that was not satisfying. He then kicked it out of his own mouth and went the proverbial "Ape Shit."

It was awesome! I stood there for close to 10 minutes watching him swing and jump. He would calm down for a few seconds then go crazy again. It was great! After he calmed down, we finally waked away.

We met a few other fun little creatures, but Amy's camera was dieing, so we couldn't get any more pictures. So we finished the park, and hit the gift shop. Lots of fun little things in that gift shop, I might add.

The rest of Saturday we were just lazy. Amy took a much needed nap, and I watched some more episodes of Lost. I got into Lost last week. Seasons 1-4 are play now's on Netflix, so I have been burning through them.

Sunday I did the laundry and met up with Morgan to see G.I. Joe. It was so, so. I can't say it was disappointing, because I didn't expect much, but well, it was pretty disappointing. The trailers make it out to be ridiculous. And it was just that, but the best ridiculous parts, were all used in the trailers. So I guess go see it and form your own opinion. But see the first showing of the day to save yourself the most money you can.

If you were a fan as a kid, much like myself, it is still worth the peek. Just to say you saw it. But people might laugh at you.

Watch out for this guy.

That is all, carry on.

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