Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello There

So it has been a bit of a spell sense I have written a blog. Well I have been a bit tied up at work, as so was my computer. It was in fact held hostage from me for several hours yesterday. Leaving me to sit around most of the day. I help do a little shooting, but for the most part, I could not do anything. And let me tell you, not doing anything at all for 5- 6 hours sucks. I can see why solitary confinement sucks so bad.

I was in an office and allowed to go outside, to the bathroom, talk to people etc. So I wasn't quite in solitary, but it still was ZERO fun. I did get to watch Tim work for a while.

So my shoulder hurts. I think using a messenger bag for all these years has caught up to me. i am going to try a backpack next week. I have one I bought when I worked at Gander Mtn. Got it for a really good price on an employee sale, but I never used it. At all. I'm talking hang tags still on the bag. So I will give it a try next week, fallowed by my old Chrome bag again. That has a much better strap then my R.E. Load bag.

Speaking of the strap on my R.E. Load bag, I noticed something today. Not only after 4 months of daily use is the strap still stiff as hell, and super hard to adjust (and not at all adjustable on the fly. You need to set the bag down and really work the strap to tighten it), but the strap slips all the time. I had it set pretty comfy for what I normally carry every day, but I felt it ridding a little lower than normal the past 2 days. So I think "Oh, some things must have shifted." But today when I got to work, my seat frame had a huge chip in it.

Now NCY parts ate not the best, and the paint has been chipping sense the day I got the frame, but this was a large chip. I then noticed when I set my bag on the ground to get out my lock. wallet, keys and work ID that the strap had slipped down.

Now if you have ever used a backpack, or really any bag with an adjustable strap, you know how this is very visible. You can see where the buckle was sitting and where it slid down to. Well the bag slid down and stopped at the spot it was in prior to my resent comfort adjustment. So my bag slid down and chipped the seat frame.

But I am in luck! Frank told me about a guy up in Moscow (PA, not Russia) that does powder coating. He is apparently cheap, and does a good job. So I will have 3 parts this winter, seat frame included to get some nice, durable and needed powder coating.

I am also glad to say that I now know how to use an angle grinder. And I did the job pretty good if do say to myself. I could have ground down the old welds a little better, but it looked pretty good and I was antsy to paint and install. Plus I didn't want to get to cocky and mess it up, it already look dang good for my first ever use of an angle grinder. Here is the end result installed. Oh, I also had to drill out the holes where the blinkers are mounted, because they are only 6mm, and they needed to by 10mm.

(It's the black thing that the headlight bracket is mounted to.)

This is what I cut off from the front rack. Well two of these. This is a picture of the second one. The cut wasn't as smooth as the first one because I had a better angle on the first bunny ear. But the end result looked better on this cut.
On the first one I ground the weld off better, but this one, I got more metal. So I ground down the weld after I got the ear off. That's why the end result was better. The first one came off smoother, so I didn't grind to much of the excess weld. In hind sight, I wish I did, but you will never see it unless you are looking at The Meepers from my vantage point.

By the way, The old front rack (that I still have and did not cut) is red. I wanted to go black so it looked cooler. I am keeping the old rack intact, in case NA Warhorse will not pass the inspection because the blinker location. Which is the reason they are where they are on the USD Ruckus, and not like the JDM Zoomer. I.E. the Zoomer has them where I just relocated them to, and the Ruckus comes with them like this:

Awwww, Look at The Meepers. That is day one and brand new. You could still see the lines on his tire. Any way, That is the stock rack. But I am pretty sure they are 100% fine where they are. They are so much more visible than most motorcycle blinkers, and much larger.

OK my computer made a ding. That means it is done rendering. Time to save the world.

That is all, carry on.

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