Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Well here we are.

Well we have come to that point. When you have to say what's next. Well I'll tell you what is next. MUSIC VIDEOS! Well for me it is. I am working on another music video. And my computer does not like me, and keeps crashing. So it is taking a while.

What video you ask? What band? Non. I am using the song "Give it all" by Rise Against. I am working on an introduction for Bryan Anderson. He is giving a speech in Florida for injured/semi incapacitated kids in a week or two.

I am working on a motivational video highlighting all the really active stuff that Bryan does. To show these kids that they can really have fun and live life. But there is one problem.

The bain of my existence. The blue task bars are back! They hate me! I think it is a conspiracy set forth by the Underpants Gnomes to drive me crazy! They crash my program, then make me stair at them for over 20 minutes while the project reloads. All I can say at this point is ARGH. There is always tomorrow.

But at what cost!? I guess the cost is some dinner, hanging out with Amy, sleep then getting here. Ok so the cost isn't high, but if this keeps up my blood pressure will be.

moving on.

As you all know the Easter Holiday is almost upon us. This means FREE FOOD WHILE I DO MY LAUNDRY! Am I the only one? I hope not. You should all partake in this wonderful double holiday. Well almost all of the holidays are doubled as Laundry Holidays for me. They are great. Just watch out for the bunny that only has one ear. He is like that for a reason........

And then:

And some how he manages to turn pink and get really big.
And as always be on the look out for this character:

That is all. Carry on.

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