Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Day that Never Ends......

It just goes on and on my friends. Well here we are. At the day that never ends. Working on the project that never ends. I seem to be getting near the end, but I just can't seem to actually get there. All for a project that will most likely get "skimmed" through. Meaning, put on a shelf.

I have had the pleasure of watching some funny video's today. Would you care for me to share? Ok here are some funny ones.

and this one was funny too.

These along with BikeForums, saved my brain from melting today. I was begining to go crazy, but I am lucky, to have Ted Stevens to help save me. With out Ted monitoring the "tubes" I'd b screwed.

Ok moving on. Have you ever seen one of theses?

We have a similar one at work. I am not sure if I like it, or jsut hate it. It's loud, but semi-amusing. There was no Ice-T left in the Pepsi machine, so I had to go red. Oh well, now I have a drink. But the crazy robot may come alive and attach the office one day.

Be on the lookout for this guy.

That is all. Carry on.

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