Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So on the other day I had a dream I was being attacked by Owls. It was interesting to say the least. The dream woke me up and in turn woke up Amy, because we were snuggling.

Yes I like to snuggle my girlfriend. Do you have a problem with that? Good.

So in this dream I was hanging out, though I don't remember what I was doing, and then it happened. The attack! I remember it went after my hand first. Then it was pecking me. Do Owls peck? Anyway, it was pecking me and I woke up very abruptly and for lack of a better explanation, very dramatically.

Now as you should know, Saturday Amy and I went to Claws and Paws. Do you think that had anything to do with it? Well it did. The Owl in question looked like this.
There was also a beautiful sign on the front of their cage it reads as fallows:
I guess they didn't want to scare the children and also state: "The Eagle Owl will give you nightmares and attack you in your sleep."

Seems reasonable to not put that on the sign. Hell, I almost shit my brain when it happened, though if I knew it was going to happen I could have been prepared for it. I would at least have gotten drunk first in my dream and worn a helmet in anticipation of in impending attack. I do after all have several helmets laying around. At least 4 I can think of off the top of my head. One would have been suitable to protect my perfect face. Like this one.

Any way. I suppose I survived the Owl attack, seeing as I am typing this right now. Or did I not survive and my spirit is going on like I am still alive and I am not really typing anything. So feel free to comment today, after all it will let me know that I am alive. If I am still alive that is.

Moving on.

Tomorrow night I am attending a seminar on Lasik Eye Surgery. I am a bit scared of the whole shooting lasers into my eyes thing. But I also hate no being able to see. I think the simplest joy that I will have is this. Waking up and being able to see the alarm clock. Not like now. I have to sit up, lean 3/4 of the way there and squint like an SOB to bearly make out the numbers. Also being able to read the labels of things in the shower. In the morning I don't have my contacts in yet, so I can't see the labels. I know what most things are by the color and look of the blurry bottle, but when something new is introduced into the shower, I have to hold it a few inches from my eyes and squint to read. If I shower at night, I can see. I generally have my contacts in then.

So I am hoping to see some one get their eyes zapped in person and see their reaction. I also get $500 off for going to the seminar. Though it is still going to cost me like $2,500 (if my insurance kicks in 15% of it). Also, I am told if I get picked to be the guy getting zapped at a seminar, I get a further discount.

Good thing I had that helmet to protect my pretty face from the Owl attack. I think I stand a chance at getting zapped at the seminar because I am "Easy on the eyes." Get it? Because it is a seminar about getting your eyes zapped with lasers.

OK, I think I am done for now.

That is all, carry on.

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