Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The State! of Head-Smashed-In

Today's blog will be partly about one of the greatest television shows of our time. From 1993-1995 this show captured the minds and hearts of millions. It was a trend setter, and visionary. It made millions of people stop and think. It made us all appreciate our fellow man.

"I want to dip my balls in it!" Probably one of the most famous lines of my childhood, that or "I'm outta here." Can you see where I am going with this? I bet you don't. Well here is a little clue.
If you are still stumped, even after seeing photo confirmation, I am of course referring to The State. It aired on MTV in the early/mid 90's.

As it turns out it took MTV 14 years from the end of the show to release it on DVD. Even after years on online petitions, and I signed several in my high school years. That DVD collection I am referring to is "The State: The Complete Series." A great Sketch comedy show from our past. You if you do not know The State, do you know what Reno 911 is? Well that has a lot of the original cast, if not all in cameos over the course of the series ( and it is still funny as hell and going strong). Well I managed to get my hands on it!

Buttons bought the Complete Series and let Amy and myself barrow it. Now I am looking at this lovely case, waiting and wanting. Get your head out of the gutter! I am talking about waiting and wanting to watch the show! There are four discs containing seasons 1-4 and one bonus disc, that I am told is very funny. If we don't go to see Bruno tonight, we are defiantly watching The State.

What is that you say. Strangers with Candy? Monty Python? Well I say to you Buzzkill! Sure Strangers with Candy is funny, and Monty Python is as well. But nothing grabbed me like The State. The closest thing to it was Buzzkill. Awwww, Buzzkill. I will never forget "Synchronized Bowling." Buzzkill itself is in the same type of predicament as The State was in.

Originally run on MTV in 1996, it was short lived. It only boasts 7 aired episodes. The sealed their own fate when they crashed the MTV Beach house. There currently exists an online petition to get the show released on DVD.

Moving on.

Today Tim and I learned about one of the greatest places on Earth! No it's not Disney! It isn't even in America! I am talking about Head-Smashed-In!
We learned about this great place thanks to Dave Berry and his daily calender.
Apparently it got it's name due to a man, well, getting his head smashed in. The real purpose of this area was the catch Buffalo. The Blackfoot Indians would basically run them off cliffs at full gallop. The Buffalo would fall and brake their legs. The then Blackfoot would collect and process them. This wonderful place is located in Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada.

I was looking at the $10 million center that they built on site. $10 million! Now is that CAD or USD? Either way, that's a lot of coin. Now I need my passport to arrive so I can check this place out!

Now onto the next topic at hand! Teeter Hang Ups.
Yes they are just inversion tables, but have you ever had some one talk to you so passionately about inversion tables? I haven't. Roger Teeter loves his product. Some times he scares me. I always see his commercials/infomercials , and think, damn my back hurts a lot. I should try one. But I never looked into price until now!

You can get a crazy doorway inversion table for about $180. But personally I don't want to be hanging upside down from my doorway. Even if it is the cheap way out. You have no back up plan to get out of the whole upside down situation.
I would prefer a standard table. At least those you can rock and you will swing back to your feet. And they can be had for about $360-$500, depending on which route you go. I didn't bother to read the differences. I am guessing weigh capacity and a few un-needed features.

Any way, every time I see Roger Teeter doing his thing on TV, I just want to hug him. I want to see if inversion really fixes your back. VWAHAHA (evil laugh). But I would really like to try one. This chair does ruin me.

I wonder if I type Roger Teeter enough this blog will pop up on Google. Then I could get a free table to "Test and Review," wink, wink, hint, hint. I will "Review" your product Mr. Teeter.

That is all, carry on.

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