Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tae Kyeong Adventure

Well Tae Kyeong, or K, left today. He is heading south to Lancaster and then to Washington DC for a group ride on Saturday. Let me tell you about his visit with Amy and I.

He was suppose to come to town Monday night, but the weather forecast was not good at all. so he called me to let me know he would be staying for one more night in Jamestown, NY. Now there is a funny story about that, and you can read it if you click this here blue text, but I will quote K here.


It was nothing special. I just took a rest

..........I want to say like that, Hoo~.. Weird situation that I had.
I got up late around 10am and I went to office to check in one day more
and after check in we talked about journey.then he asked me
Owner - do you want some coffee.?
K - Of course If you can.

So I went to his home(there is just behind office)
and He wanted to show me some pics.
So we watched it. at the time...........

Some pics are NAKED MEN!
What the hell is that!@#
and I finally saw windows bar. there are some homepages like "Gay Porn bla blah"

So you took my peanuts a picture.(But I wear all of clothes)
When he took me pictures One time he tried to took my ..... pic.
then he told me "It's a kidding."

But I think It's not KIDDING!
I've got nothing against gay. but I don't want to take my ... PICS! although I wear all of clothes!"

Amy and I saw the picture before we read the story and immediately said "He is a CREEPER!" And sure enough we were correct. So after K got out of that situation he drove 280 miles to come see me.

He came to Scranton because of "The Office." but you all know that because you read this blog every day. So the plan was K comes to visit:

Day one, we cook him dinner and then take him out to Poor Richards Pub and The Bog. Well we made it to Poor Richards
And I couldn't leave before I bought him a Poor Richards Office t-shirt, so I did.
We didn't make it to The Bog, but we made it to Coopers instead. K likes beer, and I like beer, so I took him to the best beer selection in town. We had a drink and I introduced K to Justin, the bartender and my friend. K really like the Beatles bathroom at Coopers, so he took photos.
After Coopers we went to pick up Joel from work. Then we hung out at the apartment while K did an update. You can see more of his pictures with us on page 13 of his thread.

Now the next day the plan was for K to hang out with Amy while I was at work. That didn't work out as planed because, well I got sick. If you remember I mentioned Monday that I wasn't feeling well. Welp, it caught up with me. So I slept in a little bit, took a lot of cold medicine, and ate some breakfast. So I was feeling a little better in the afternoon, so I cowboyed up and got the show on the road. This is a once an a life time experience after all.

So I went down and changed K's engine oil and gear oil. Showed him a few things to check and how to fix some simple things on the road. Then we bundled up nice and warm and headed out on to the city on our Ruckuses. Good thing for us it wasn't to cold yet. The temp didn't drop until much later in the day.

So hopped up on cold medicine and warm cloths we set out to tackle the city. I showed him all around downtown. Told him not only about The Office, but about the City of Scranton, and some history. So after about 45 minutes of driving around we had enough. It looked like the rain was coming, but it never showed up.

We went back and locked up the scooters, go Amy and took off for some more office touring. Then we went in search of supplies. I bought him a big yellow dry bag, he was soaked from the rain, and we finally got to drive past the "Welcome to Scranton" sign. We then took him to the gorge, which is when it started to get cold. So after a while there, we went back home to warm up and take more cold medicine.

We got some coffee and did some of K's laundry, then we planed his next destination. We made a few, OK a lot of phone calls and spoke to some really great TR members. One guy that was helping K out a lot and was super nice is Renhack, or Emmet. Really nice guy and was making a lot of calls for K to get him set up. Emmet is the one who told us about the ride on Saturday, and he will be there to meet K.

Well this takes us up to about 8 p.m. And what do we do at 8 p.m. in a Wednesday night in Scranton? That's right! Drink beer and eat wings. So JT and Kim met us at Andy Gavins in Greenridge to eat some great wings and to meet K. While we were there I got a call from John Kim, who lives outside of DC. And guess what, he is Korean!

So K got to speak in his own language for a while and go some things ironed out. So we hung out there until we had to pick up Joel, then we went home, all beat. So we crashed.

This morning K and I got up about 6:30. He packed and I got ready for work. Then I got out his scooter and we loaded it up. We will just say I had a bad morning, but I am feeling much better.

Good thing my landlord turned on the heat in the building yesterday, I woke up to my room being about 90 degrees and me being soaked in sweat. But I think i sweated out most of my cold, because I feel much better today. But a few other things went wrong.

So I rode with K for about 10 miles before we parted way. It was a good visit and he had a lot of fun. Tae Kyeong is a really nice guy, and the people on Total Ruckus are great. We are all doing our best to help out K and show him this great country of ours.

So this trip is Meepers Approved.
And with out further adue, the video I made while riding around Scranton with K.

That is all carry on.

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