Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh The World, I Think I Love You

So after looking at People of Walmart DOT com for a few weeks now, I have come to a realization. I once thought there was something wrong with the world, because of things like this.

But without things like this we would have nothing to laugh at. Case and point, this.
Now when ever you think there is something wrong in the world, there is something that is just right in the Universe, and you can find it at Walmart.

Speaking of things being wrong in the world, I am getting sick. Now you may or may not know, I am not a fan of being sick. Now I know lot of people love to be sick, I am not one of them. Which makes this even more disheartening, is my visitor from Korea, K, is coming to visit tonight. That means tomorrow after work I a suppose to take him around the city.

Now I have been sneezing and coughing a lot sense last night, and I have been congested for a few days. But today I can feel the pressure in my brain growing. This morning I felt like crap and the nose is still pretty stuffy. But I will solider on! I need to show K sights of this great city. sights like this.
K is suppose to be rolling into Scranton some time today. He is going to crash at Amy and I's place. He is suppose to hang out with Amy tomorrow while I am at work, then get a nice tour of places The Office references, provided by me with help from J Sly and Tim. We will be accompanied by a large box of Tissues and cold medicine.

My main hope is to run into this guy while we are out.
He is part of what makes the world right. Oh ya.... and this guy.....
Have you noticed a trend here? Again something I stole from Bike Snob NYC, post lots of pictures and your blog post seams longer than it is. So if I keep posting People of Walmart, this post will be 100 pages long. And if I keep posting pictures of K, it will be 200! Like this one...

Back on track here, although it is another picture. If you don't think K is serious about crossing the country on his Ruckus, check this out.

He Started in Vancouver and took a bus to Seattle. From Seattle he took a bus to Salt Lake City and from there to St. Louis. In St. Louis he bought this red '09 Ruckus. He has driven his Ruckus From St. Louis to Chicago, Chicago to Cleavland, Cleavland to Detroit and Detroit to Scranton. Well he is on his way to Scranton now. He stopped off in Jamestown NY for 2 days. He is chasing the rain, and it was suppose to be really really bad yesterday, so he stayed in a hotel for an extra day to wait it out. My guess is he is some place by Mansfield now.

So I sit here feeling the pressure build up in my head and wait for a phone call in broken English from K. And that broken English phone call I am anxiously awaiting. He seems like a very very nice guy, he is 25-years-old, and was very appreciative that I was letting him stay with me and showing him around.

Well, I will keep you updated on my health (dang Swine Flu) and my leg of Tae Kyeong's adventure. But for now....

That is all, carry on.

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