Friday, June 21, 2013

My Ears, They BLEED!

Well as you may or may not know, I have recently gotten my old, old job back.  I am once again in the AV business.  A bit out of touch, but getting my toes dipped in a little at a time so when I get to the nether regions it aint so bad.  So This means I am back in my office, or the video suite.

I'll lay a tad of ground work for you, I work in the Marketing department.... but I am not located physically in the marketing department.  My office is across the hall from the designers, who themselves are more or less located in the annex of the Marketing Department. 

So I have only been back here a few weeks now, but that really doesn't matter.  I use to hear things like this all the time when I was last a permanent fixture.  People have no couth.  Well I know I don't, but I do watch what I say and how I act while at work.  I am not going to say I have not said some fucked up things in mixed company, but when I do say something along those lines, I know it is acceptable with those folks around me.

But please do not talk about your gynecologist while walking past my door!  That is ear bleeding to me!  I have been in some odd lines of work over the past few years, and I have heard things along those lines, but that was in a different setting and from the people I was charged to take care of.  Not people I work side by side with! 

Well look what I forgot to post yesterday!  So here is what I started and never had a chance to finish.

That is all, carry on.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Smashing Stereotypes!

I've seen this video posted and shared a few times on The Book over the past day or two.  I did not click play myself until this afternoon while eating my sammy and salad.  I thought it was really interesting how they realize they are breaking though stereotypes at such a young age. 

I think I want to read the kids book when he is done.  It's based on a true story after all.
Unlocking The Truth - Malcolm Brickhouse & Jarad Dawkins from The Avant/Garde Diaries on Vimeo.

I have not been on the tubes as much as I use to be.  I think I need to ale that so I can supply this wonderful BLOG with information.  And bring it back to it's once glory.  But with that being said, I am swamped.  No I am not watching Swamp People, though I wish I was.  I am in fact swamped at work.  And not the marshy kind. So.....

That is all carry on. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Shave and a Hair Cut, Two Bits.

And here I sit, my barber is off and I made a 45 minute drive to the barber shop. Time to test the skills of another barber. They are well skilled at their craft. I hope my head doesn't get mad that Anthony is off. Now, who will cut my hair....

Scranton, The Electric City!

Thanks to the fine fellows over at Loyalty Barbershop and Shave Parlor, I saw this really cool video today.  So now you get to see this really cool video.  And hopefully I will be getting my ears lowered at Loyalty today.  I am starting to look like a "hooligan" again.  Well that's how Brian explained me the first time I walked in the joint with some shaggy growth up on top. 

Oh ya, the video!

That is all, carry on.